Friday, May 14, 2010

House Over Yonder

Repercussions of living tucked away on a country road?

Life, wildlife. There's an unimaginable amount of life around at every hour of the day. Every time you go outside is just another opportunity to see, smell, or hear something you might not if you lived elsewhere. Why just yesterday I saw both a Giant Leopard Moth and an unwelcome rat in the Smokehouse whom we've named Templeton (his eviction is pending). I smelled both the basil growing in the garden and our goats in heat (think extra pungent goat cheese left out a little too long). And, I got to hear Willie Nelson turned up to a "we don't have any neighbors for miles" volume as well as our dogs, Jupiter and Little Bud, running the coyotes all night long.

2) Driving in to town so I can download this week's episode of The Biggest Loser at the coffee shop in Milledgeville. I refuse to deem this show a guilty pleasure. It's simply amazing (even if every episode contains a not so subtle product placement that is normally really awkward to watch). I always think of this show when i'm starting to lose energy during a run.... if Michael can run 5 miles at 350 pounds, then dammit i'd better be able to. **satellite internet is getting installed tomorrow, yay! I'm a little skeptical, so i'm hoping to be shocked and amazed by it's" lightning quick speed"**

Sometimes when you go in to the next room to see what kind of trouble your cat might be getting into, you realize she's really just trying to get to the bird that's gotten stuck in the record player. (wish I had pictures of this one, but I was too busy insisting that we needed to take the record player outside and try to get the bird out, instead of letting the kitty have her first kill. Thanks Brad). No worries, the bird flew out of the record player unharmed.

When AT&T comes out to install your land line, your technician informs you a) he services the entire county, by himself b) he doesn't need you to show him where the phone jacks are because, he installed them when the last owner moved in (in the '80's.) ** He also told us before he drove off, that our house was his favorite in Hancock County. So sweet.