Surprise vole in the grain bucket. As ridiculous as it seems Brad and I
didn't want to let the little guy loose around here, but we also didn't want to kill him.
We ended up driving him down the street so he could be released at a food source,
the dump. I drove, and Brad held the bucket out the window. We figured if he could
survive terminal velocity wind force he might fair ok at his new home.
Surprise feather outside the buggy barn.... not so surprise..... paint on my hands.
Surprise wild blackberries found while bush hogging.
Everyone was very busy out here this past weekend-- G Club and I scrubbed and painted while Brad and Pop bush hogged and began rewiring the general store. Big things are getting done around here. Just you wait.
**not pictured: (semi) Surprise visit from Madeline. One of my most beautiful, adventurous, and intelligent friends, she has just returned from a little stay in France. Couldn't have been more touched by her making the trek out to see us before she headed back to Chicago.