Tuesday, June 22, 2010


In anticipation of BLT season, as well as the tomato sandwich I was going to be having for dinner, Brad and I made mayonnaise this afternoon.... the old school way. Armed with our trusty Wesson Oil Mayonnaise Maker and a mayonnaise recipe from Martha Hall Foose, from her cookbook Screen Doors and Sweet Tea, we churned our way to condiment heaven. Honestly, there was a time in the middle of the whole damn thing that I thought that my arm might give out, but Brad tagged in so I could tag out; and, as the recipe suggests, it's a good project to attempt with two people. The recipe really is quite simple, and i'll be making it periodically throughout the summer, but i'll play around some with adding some spices and herbs-- cumin and basil? fresh cayenne pepper and a little cinnamon?

The animated gif below is hard evidence that I got overly excited about making this mayonnaise. We also made a few videos, but I think we'll just break those out if our ego's start to get out of hand---- you know, bring us down a notch.

Gif Created on Make A Gif

**If anyone should want the recipe, let me know and i'll either email it to you or add it to the post.


  1. And the meringue went where?

  2. such a cool way to showcase the process, et en plus j'adore la mayonaise faite maison
